Additional Learning Needs (ALN)

Support for pupils with additional learning needs

At Ysgol Cefn Mawr, we want to make sure that:

  • All learners are given the support that they need to succeed at our school
  • Children and their families are listened to
  • Children and their families understand the support that they are being offered

A Person-centred approach is adopted within our Additional Learning Needs (ALN) system.  It puts the child at the centre of identifying their needs, planning their provision and reviewing this.

Our overarching ethos to person-centred practice means making sure that children are involved in:

  • Identifying what is important to and for them.
  • Planning their provision and outlining their hopes and aspirations.
  • Explaining how they wish to realise their hopes and aspirations.

Graduated Response

We use a graduated response when identifying the level of support that a learner requires.

Universal Provision (UP)

For the majority of children at our school, their needs can be met through high quality teaching and learning in the classroom.  Differentiated teaching and support in the classroom is used to ensure learners progress.

Targeted Universal Provision (TUP)

Targeted intervention may be provided at a whole class, small group or individual level.  It is monitored and tracked in line with our school procedures and could be a short or longer term provision.  Pupils may have a Booster Plan or individual Small Steps Targets to outline the support that they are receiving.

Additional Learning Provision (ALP)

The ALN Code says that a learner has Additional Learning Needs (ALN) ‘if he or she has a learning difficulty or disability (whether the learning difficulty or disability arises from a medical condition or otherwise) which calls for additional learning provision‘.

A small number of our children will have Additional Learning Needs (ALN), which requires ALP.  ALP is additional to or different from the support we routinely offer to our learners.

If a child does not appear to be making progress, then ALP may be required.  This will involve the needs of the pupil being identified in a person-centred way and could lead to enhanced and alternative provision being provided to support the pupil in making progress. Children who access ALP are classed as having ALN and will require an Individual Development Plan (IDP)

Children learn in different ways and their needs may change over time.  An IDP provides an ongoing process of: 

Individual Development Plans (IDP)

  • identifying needs and providing different support as necessary,
  • sharing information,
  • planning, taking action and reviewing progress.

Depending on your child’s individual progress the support they receive could be increased, reduced or changed over time.  This means that earlier decisions and actions are revisited, refined and revised to help achieve a growing understanding of your child.  It also supports them in making progress and helps them to realise their hopes and aspirations.

The majority of IDPs will be written and maintained by our school.  However, in some more complex cases we may request that the Local Authority consider the needs of the child.  The Local Authority may write and then either direct us at school to maintain the plan or maintain it themselves.  Reviews of IDPs (Individual Development Plans) take place in a person-centred way.

For further information please click the link below.

Information Guide for Parents and Carers

Ysgol Cefn Mawr ALN Policy